Venue: Walton Suite, Winchester Guildhall and streamed live on YouTube at
Contact: Matthew Watson, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 317 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies and Deputy Members To note the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed members. Minutes: Apologies for the meeting were noted as above.
Declarations of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, and non disclosable interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
Chairperson's Announcements Minutes: The Chairperson provided an update on items discussed at the previous meeting, which included the following.
1. The Tourism Strategy. 2. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 3. The Housing Strategy. 4. The Disabled Facilities Grants paper. 5. The Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO) Task and Finish Group.
It was noted that officers now intended to bring the updated Housing Strategy to the committee in the next municipal year. It was also noted that the committee would consider, as part of its new work plan the issues around a HMO task and finish group and the council’s policy regarding the installation of showers within its housing stock.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 November 2022 PDF 155 KB That the minutes of the meeting be signed as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 November 2022 be approved and adopted.
Public Participation To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on matters which fall within the remit of the Committee
Members of the public and visiting councillors may speak at the Policy Committee, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services by 5pm on Deadline(registertospeakdeadline) via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details.
Minutes: Ian Tait addressed the committee regarding agenda item 6 - Draft Housing Tenant Engagement and Communication Plan and a summary of the matters he raised were as follows.
Councillor Paula Ferguson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing thanked Mr Tait for his contribution and responded to his points, which could be summarised as follows.
David Light, Chair of Tenants And Council Together (TACT) addressed the committee regarding agenda item 6 - Draft Housing Tenant Engagement and Communication Plan and a summary of the matters he raised is as follows.
Councillor Paula Ferguson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing and Janette Palmer, Housing Policy and Projects Manager responded to his points, which could be summarised as follows.
Winchester District Cultural Strategy - Scoping PDF 366 KB RECOMMENDATIONS:
The Policy Committee is asked to
1. Review and comment on the anticipated policy direction of the strategy, as outlined in 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.21 and 2.22 and the approach outlined to deliver the Winchester District Cultural Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Lucille Thompson, Cabinet Member for Business and Culture introduced the report, ref BHP041 which set out proposals for the Winchester District Cultural Strategy (available here). Simon Jutton, representing Arts Council England then addressed the committee and informed members of his role and of the work of Arts Council England, particularly its strategy “Let's Create” and the associated planned outcomes. Simon Jutton advised that Arts Council England would be supporting Winchester City Council throughout the development of its strategy.
Emalene Hickman, Culture and Creative Sector Development Officer and Andrew Gostelow, Service Lead - Economy & Tourism provided the committee with a detailed presentation regarding the development of the strategy. This included information regarding the local population, their cultural activity, local cultural organisations and event data, stakeholder engagement undertaken to date and the next steps.
The committee was recommended to review and comment on the anticipated policy direction of the strategy, as outlined in paragraphs 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.21 and 2.22 of the report and the approach outlined to deliver the strategy.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report. In summary, the following matters were raised:
These points were responded to by Councillor Thompson, Cabinet Member for Business & Culture, Simon Jutton, Arts Council England, Andrew Gostelow, Service Lead - Economy & Tourism, Emalene Hickman, Culture and Creative Sector Development Officer accordingly and were noted by Councillor Thompson, Cabinet Member for Business and Culture.
The Chairperson noted that a wide range of comments was made during the committee’s discussion and drew particular attention to the following points.
1. There was some concern regarding the available resource for delivering the strategy and that collaboration and leverage would be necessary. 2. The committee welcomed the use of markers and information boards throughout the district and advocated collaboration with Parish councils for their introduction. 3. The committee believed that the provision of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Draft Housing Tenant Engagement and Communication Plan PDF 778 KB RECOMMENDATION: That Business and Housing Policy Committee are asked to comment upon the Tenant Engagement Plan content.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Ferguson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing and Janette Palmer, Housing Policy and Projects Manager introduced the report, ref BHP40 which set out proposals for the Draft Housing Tenant Engagement and Communication Plan, (available here).
The report set out the draft engagement plan (Appendix 3) that had been developed with tenants and officers following consultation and research. The committee was recommended to comment upon the content of the Tenant Engagement Plan.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report. In summary, the following matters were raised:
Gillian Knight, Corporate Head of Housing provided the committee with a presentation (available here) regarding the Social Housing White Paper - The Charter for Social Housing Residents, which covered the following topics.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and the following matters were raised.
These points were responded to by Councillor Ferguson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing, Simon Hendey, Strategic Director, Gillian Knight, Corporate Head of Housing and Janette Palmer, Housing Policy and Projects Manager, accordingly and were noted by Councillor Ferguson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community and Housing.
1. That a cross reference be provided between the items listed in paragraph 2.6 and the finalised plan and shared with members. 2. That Councillor Ferguson would consider whether this paper would be required to go to Cabinet Committee: Housing for further discussion and sign-off or whether this would be absorbed into the overall ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
To note the Work Programme for 2022/23 PDF 180 KB Minutes: The committee discussed the work programme for the next municipal year. It was agreed that the following items should be placed for discussion at the first meeting of the committee to potentially form part of the 2023/24 work plan.
Following an earlier question, Simon Hendey, Strategic Director, agreed to discuss with Cllr Issacs how residents with work and/or family connections could seek support from the council, including priority for available, affordable housing.