Committee details

Economy and Housing Policy Committee

Purpose of committee


For the latest work programme, please select “Forward Plans” from the menu on the right hand side and then select “Economy and Housing Policy Committee”.


In general, the Policy Committee facilitate the pre-decision scrutiny by:


1.    Assisting, if appropriate, the Council, Leader and Cabinet in the development of its policy and budget framework by in depth analysis of the policy issues within the priority areas allocated to them in the Council Plan.

2.    Conducting research if required, as well as community and other consultation if required, for the analysis of policy issues, the identification of possible options and to make recommendations to Cabinet or Council. They will consider the impact of policies that are being renewed, updated or refreshed to assess if and how they have made a difference.

3.    Questioning the Leader and other Members of the Cabinet and/or Committees and senior officers of the Council about their views and issues of proposals affecting the relevant priority of the Council Plan in each Committee’s remit.


The Policy Committee broad terms of reference are as follows:


To maintain a strategic overview of the progress towards the achievement of the relevant priorities in the Council Plan namely:


1.    Making the District a premier business location

2.    Delivering quality housing options


Contact information

Support officer: Matthew Watson, Senior Democratic Services Officer. Tel: 01962 848 317 Email:


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