Venue: Walton Suite, Guildhall, Winchester
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 438 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies and Deputy Members To note the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed members. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Pearson and Read. There were no deputy members in attendance.
Declarations of Interest To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Councillor Becker declared a non pecuniary interest in respect of Item 8 (Carbon Neutrality Action Plan 2020-2030) due to her employment as Government Legal Adviser for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and also due to her husband’s employment as Lead Analyst for Shell New Energies. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: There were no Chairperson’s announcements.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 January 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 January 2020 be approved and adopted.
Public Participation To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on matters which fall within the remit of the Committee. Minutes: Three members of the public/representatives of local groups spoke regarding items 8 and 9. Councillor Hutchison also addressed the Committee regarding item 9 below. Their comments are summarised under the relevant minute below.
In addition to speaking on item 8 below, Ian Tait also addressed the Committee during public participation. In summary, he raised issues regarding glass collection particularly for residents living in blocks of flats, the wider implications of this in planning terms and the Council’s response time to residents’ queries.
To note the Work Programme for 2019/20 PDF 177 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the work programme for 2019/20 be noted.
Proposed Parish Engagement on Grounds Maintenance and Street Cleaning (Presentation) PDF 181 KB Minutes: The Service Lead: Environmental Services gave a presentation which provided an overview of the new street cleaning and grounds maintenance contract with IdVerde and the ongoing improvements being developed including engagement with parish council’s in the district.
Members asked questions and raised comments to be taken forward regarding Winchester Town Forum engagement, the litter clearing programme, service improvements, monitoring programmes and parking enforcement support.
1. That the content of the presentation be received and the comments of the Committee be noted; and
2. That progress updates regarding street cleaning and grounds maintenance be considered at future meetings of the Committee. |
Carbon Neutrality Action Plan 2020-2030 - Progress Update (Presentation) PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Corporate Head of Engagement and the Leader and Cabinet Member for Communications gave a presentation which provided an update on the progress with the carbon neutrality action plan since it was approved last year, setting out an overview of the delivery approach and highlighting the next phases.
At the invitation of the Chairperson, two members of the public (including one person representing a local group), addressed the Committee as summarised below:
Jemma Barter (on behalf of Winchester Friends of the Earth) Reference was made to the document submitted by Winchester Friends of the Earth which outlined the desired achievements for a zero carbon future which provided a scale of how the action plan could work. Although there was no doubt in the level of council commitment to carbon neutrality, she outlined that there were concerns that there were no real scale or numbers apparent to see the anticipated timescale for carbon reduction at this stage with a strong reliance being placed on the use of electric vehicles and park and ride services. She suggested that a carbon monitor be displayed on the building to give a visual aid and indication of the progress achieved. In conclusion, she suggested that the bulk of the problem must not be deferred until the end of the project.
Ian Tait Reference was made to the underlying fundamental issue for radical change, looking at alternative means of transport and changes to stop the installation of gas boilers in the council housing stock in future to reduce the carbon footprint.
Members asked questions and raised various comments including biodiversity, passivhaus standards, carbon neutrality targets and renewable energy storage which were addressed by the Cabinet Member and officer.
1. That the content of the presentation be received and the comments of the Committee be noted.
2. That progress updates regarding the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan be considered at future meetings of the Committee.
Update on the Movement Strategy (Presentation) PDF 3 MB Minutes: The Head of Programme and the Cabinet Member for Service Quality and Transformation gave a presentation updating Members on the recent progress of the Movement Strategy which was a joint project, formed in partnership with Hampshire County Council (HCC). Councillor Tod advised that further information would be made available at the joint Member Briefing with HCC on 16 March 2020, following the forthcoming board meeting on 11 March 2020.
At the invitation of the Chairperson, two members of the public, representing local groups, and Councillor Hutchison addressed the Committee as summarised below and the specific points raised were answered by the Cabinet Member accordingly.
Jemma Barter (on behalf of Winchester Friends of the Earth) Reference was made to the approach in traffic reduction and concern was expressed that the parking strategy consultation placed too much reliance on park and ride which suggested that more provision for car journeys would be made. She considered that the route to traffic reduction should be via conventional public transport provision and this required subsidy to be reassigned. She stated that traffic reduction would be achieved without more robust measures than currently contemplated. Concern was also expressed that the movement strategy contained an assumption of a greatly reduced air quality management area which ran at odds with health consequence particulates; it was understood that this had been abandoned. In conclusion, Jemma Barter stated that air pollution needed to remain a key concern within the development of the strategy.
Phil Gagg (on behalf of WinACC Transport Group) He welcomed that walking and cycling had been brought to the front of the programme. He suggested that the overall aims of the movement strategy needed to be revisited and widened to include carbon dioxide emissions created by all people gaining access to Winchester and considered that modal shift, whole journey carbon and energy reduction needed to be key themes. He also suggested that clearer working maps should be made available and that more use could be made of the off street routes for walking and cycling i.e Oram’s Arbour and Greenhill Road. He welcomed the work being done on bus services but was disappointed that extended partnerships and franchising were not referenced. In conclusion, he stated that local transport groups, community groups and bus passengers should be added to list of consultees.
Councillor Hutchison She welcomed the recognition that walking was crucial but suggested that the infrastructure in Winchester needed to change to encourage walking as the streets were currently designed for vehicles use.
Members asked questions and raised various comments including bus provision and pubic transport, Government funding streams, air quality management area, walking groups, dropped kerbs and parking which were addressed by the Cabinet Member and officer.
1. That the content of the presentation be received and the comments of the Committee be noted; and
2. That progress updates regarding the Movement Strategy be considered at future meetings of the Committee.
Framework for Community and Wellbeing Strategy (Presentation) PDF 618 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Lead: Community & Wellbeing and the Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Wellbeing gave a presentation updating Members on the strategy framework and the options available to help shape the policy to support residents and improve wellbeing.
An additional slide was added to the presentation which set out the differing communities in the strategy. The slide was available on the Council’s website.
Members asked questions and raised various comments which were addressed by the Cabinet Member and relevant officers.
1. That the content of the presentation be received and the comments of the Committee be noted
2. That progress updates regarding the Community and Wellbeing Strategy be considered at future meetings of the Committee. |