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Health and Environment Policy Committee

This page lists the meetings for Health and Environment Policy Committee.


Information about Health and Environment Policy Committee

Registering to speak at Health & Environment Policy Committee:

Members of the public may speak at this Committee, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details.


Terms of Reference


To maintain a strategic overview of the progress towards the achievement of the relevant priorities in the Council Plan namely:


a)    Improving the quality of the District’s environment

b)    Improving the health and happiness of the community


The broad terms of reference are as follows:


a)                        It will hold the Cabinet to account by reviewing and scrutinising executive decisions.

b)                        Reviewing and scrutinising the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives and performance targets


Matters in the remit of more than one Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee procedure rules in Part 4 sets out rules for the operation of these committees and includes provision for resolving overlapping jurisdictions. In the first instance it is intended that the chairs of each committee will meet to agree a solution in such situations.



Quorum = 4 Members


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