The task of the Central
Winchester Regeneration Informal Policy Group is to produce a
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that Cabinet can subsequently
recommend for adoption by the Council.
The SPD will set out the
detailed aims and objectives for regeneration of central Winchester
(within a defined area) and the consequential changes required to
the surrounding area (including the Broadway and Lower High
Street), as guided by the adopted planning policies in the Local
Plan. This SPD should have the broad support of Winchester’s
residents, businesses, property owners and public service
providers. It should be commercially realistic and capable of
implementation within a realistic timeframe. The Group will aim to
produce the draft SPD to Cabinet by December 2017, so that it can
be adopted in spring 2018.
Its terms of reference
To devise and
implement a programme of engagement
with all sectors of the community, including the Winchester Town
Forum, to generate options and ideas for the SPD
To take
evidence from relevant service providers, businesses and members of
the public to assess the implications of their views on the future
of central Winchester and the content of the SPD
To recommend to
Cabinet what technical and economic studies should be commissioned
that will be necessary to provide an evidence base for the SPD,
particularly in relation to transport and parking, retail activity
and cultural activities
To evaluate a
full range of options for the content of the SPD, based on the
programme of engagement and the
technical and economic studies, and then promote informed public
debate to test policy and practical options
To recommend a
draft SPD to Cabinet that has been fully reviewed through a
programme of consultation which allows
all sectors of the community to make comments in a manner
consistent with legislative requirements for the production of an
In addition, the following Councillors be invited to attend and offer views at
meetings of the Informal Policy Group:
Cllrs Scott and Tait