Meeting documents

Wednesday, 19th April, 2006 7.00 pm

Business Items
1To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 23 February 2006 (Pages 706-719).Minutes-06.02.23 
 View Minutes of this meeting06.04.19-non-exempt
2To receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive. 
3To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14.060419-01-Tait-WACA 
4To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15 
5To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes:CAB-1220-Corporate-Business-Plan-2006-07-covering-report 
6To receive the delegated Minutes of the following Committees:-06.02.16 
7The making of termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council 
8EXEMPT BUSINESS: To consider whether in all circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
9To consider any Recomended Minutes arising form the meetings of Cabinet and/or Principle Scrutiny Committee held on 13 April 2006CL0037-Cabinet-and-PS-Com-EXEMPT-19.04.06-


Council on Wednesday, 19th April, 2006, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}