Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 23rd October, 2019 9.30 am

Venue: Walton Suite, Winchester Guildhall

Contact: Nancy Graham, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 01962 848 235, Email:

No. Item


Membership of Cabinet bodies etc.

To give consideration to the approval of alternative arrangements for appointments to bodies set up by Cabinet or external bodies, or the making or terminating of such appointments.






That Councillor Weir replace Councillor Murphy as one of the Council’s representatives on the Southampton International Airport Consultative Committee for the remainder of 2019/20.


Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.

Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.




Councillor Learney declared an interest as a member of Littleton Parish Council in respect of Report CAB3194 and did not speak or vote regarding that item.


Councillors Porter and Tod both declared personal (but not prejudicial) interests in respect of various items on the agenda, due to their role as County Councillors.


Councillor Tod also declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of Report CAB3195 due to his role as Chief Executive of the Men’s Health Forum.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 170 KB





That the minutes of the previous meeting held 18 September 2019 be approved and adopted.


Public Participation

– to note the names of members of the public wishing to speak on general matters affecting the District or on agenda items (in the case of the latter, representations will normally be received at the time of the agenda item, after the Portfolio Holder’s introduction and any questions from Cabinet Members).



Teresa Skelton spoke during public participation stating that she had not received a response from Councillor Porter to comments made at the previous Cabinet meeting, as had been promised.  She also reiterated general comments regarding the need for an effective and open liaison between the Council and the Police and allegations regarding police corruption, as she had stated at a number of previous Cabinet and other Committee meetings.


In response, it was confirmed that a response had been emailed to Mrs Skelton, but as this had not been received further checks would be made to confirm the correct contact details and the response resent.


Linda Warren (Shedfield Parish Council) spoke regarding Report CAB3194 and her comments are summarised under the relevant minute below.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Bell addressed Cabinet and, in summary, highlighted that the Winnall Moors Walking Therapy offered by Youth Counselling was under threat due to antisocial behaviour in Winnall Moors.  She had raised this matter with the Police and the Community Safety Team.


Leader and Cabinet Members' Announcements



Station Approach


Councillor Porter announced that the City Council, as Local Planning Authority, were very recently on notice of impending proceedings in the High Court in respect of the granting of outline planning permission at Station Approach.  The Council were engaging with Counsel and would take all reasonable and prudent steps in this regard and Cabinet would be kept updated.


In response, and as Cabinet Member with responsibility for the City Council’s landowning position at Station Approach, Councillor Weir proposed that Report CAB3197 be deferred, until the position in respect of the outline planning permission was clearer.  In addition, an amendment would be required regarding the CIL funding allocation (Report CAB3194) as detailed below.




The following other announcements were made:


·         A trial of audio and video recording was being undertaken at the meeting and Councillors and member of the public present were asked to note that these recordings could be made public at a future date;

·         New Cabinet Member with responsibility for Service Quality and Transformation, Councillor Tod, was welcomed to the meeting;

·         The launch of the rental exchange scheme for Council tenants was welcomed;

·         Success of recent business mentoring sessions offered by the Council in partnership with the M3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP);

·         Tenders had been received for the new Environmental Services Service contract and a decision would be required at an additional Cabinet meeting in early November (date to be confirmed).


Draft Council Plan 2020-25 pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Additional documents:


That the draft Council Plan 2020-25 be approved for consultation with stakeholders, residents and businesses until the 29 November 2019.




The Leader introduced the Report and emphasised that it reflected the Council’s revised priorities and ensured that these priorities were embedded in the budget process, as contained in Report CAB3178 below.  The draft Plan would be out for consultation for five weeks as set out in the report.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Pearson, Horrill, Bell and Godfrey addressed Cabinet as summarised below.


Councillor Pearson:

·         considered that the consultation period was too short;

·         inconsistencies throughout Plan regarding use of ‘District’ or ‘district’;

·         no specific mention of elderly people;

·         query regarding the calculation of the target for new home delivery;

·         request for clarity regarding statements on energy efficiency in new builds;

·         offer to discuss further with the Cabinet Member and officers the detailed proposals to tackle the climate change emergency.


Councillor Horrill:

·         thanked for opportunity to consider a presentation on the draft Plan at the Business and Housing Policy Committee on 7 October 2019 and reiterated some of the comments raised at that meeting, as summarised in paragraph 6.4 of the report;

·         requirement for partnership working to achieve many of the outcomes and practical difficulties that this raised;

·         query why no specific mention of the requirements of an ageing population, those “hidden” residents of a predominantly wealthy District and the balance between urban and rural requirements of the District;

·         support proposals for more homes;

·         should be more explicit regarding proposals for key projects;

·         consultation period was too short for such a significant Plan.


Councillor Bell:

·         Consider re-wording of statement regarding reducing levels of waste and increasing recycling to take account of the aim to also reduce overall consumption (which might in turn impact on recycling levels).


Councillor Godfrey:

·         Reiterated comments above regarding consultation period being too short;

·         Unsure that Plan provided a proper balance between offering affordable housing but also ensuring adequate decent employment opportunities in the district;

·         Unclear why there was particular reference to young people, as opposed to other groups;

·         Welcomed the brevity of the Plan but considered it should contain more detailed targets.


The Leader thanked Councillors for their comments which would be fed into the consultation process.


Cabinet Members introduced sections of the Plan relevant to their area of responsibility and responded to Councillors comments, as summarised below:

·         Whilst families and young people were specifically mentioned, the “Homes for All” section of the Plan emphasised the requirement for additional affordable housing across all demographic groups;

·         Building new council homes would remain a priority and a further report would be submitted outlining the target to be achieved;

·         Recognition that some residents would require additional support due to other difficulties such as mental health issues or substance abuse;

·         Aim to be more transparent in terms of publishing performance levels and setting specific goals;

·         Agreement that the Plan should be amended to include more specific reference to the importance of partnership working;

·         Agreement that the wording should be amended to emphasise the priority of reducing consumption as well as reducing waste;

·         Recognition of the importance of rural public  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Outcome Based Budget Challenge pdf icon PDF 895 KB


1.            That the projected shortfalls on the General Fund in the medium term, the proposed options for addressing those shortfalls be considered in order to determine in December which of the options should be included within the medium financial plan.


2.            That the creation of a Transition Reserve, utilising the projected underspend forecast for the current financial year, be approved.


3.            That one-off revenue expenditure proposals for additional Local Plan resource at £160k to fund 2 x 2 year fixed term posts as set out in paragraph 11.12 of the report be approved.


4.            That the requirement to increase the charge for On Street Permits to £50 for first permits be phased over 3 years (£30 from April 2020, £40 from April 2021 and £50 from April 2022).



Councillor Cutler introduced the Report which contained a medium term budget projection over a four year period and emphasised Appendix B which set out the projected shortfalls.   With the aim to be as transparent as possible, the report set out a number of possible options to address the predicted budget deficit.  Councillor Cutler welcomed comments on the options presented, in addition to any other suggestions.


In response to questions, the Leader confirmed that a Parish Briefing on the proposed budget options would take place in November 2019.  The Strategic Director: Services (Interim) advised that the Magdalen Hill Cemetery was within the Winchester Town Account, but the option at paragraph 11.66 also related to more general income proposals.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Godfrey, Pearson and Horrill addressed Cabinet as summarised below.


Councillor Godfrey:

·         Did not consider that the Report adequately referred to desired outcomes and instead focussed on raising various charges to address the predicted deficit;

·         Disappointed about lack of focus on delivering Council projects, such as Central Winchester Regeneration “meanwhile uses” which could generate additional income;

·         Opposition to any proposal to introduce a charge for the collection of garden waste as 70% of households currently used the service, increasing recycling levels;

·         Had consideration been given to the impact on options to introduce parking charges on a Sunday to local businesses?  However, if a charge was introduced, he did not consider a flat rate charge was appropriate and the standard day rate should be considered.


Councillor Pearson:

·         Options to increase parking charges should include justifications, for example to enable introduction of improved technology to tackle vehicle emissions;

·         If charges for garden waste were introduced, the possibility of offering wheelie bins for collection should be considered.

·         Any proposals regarding responsibility and financing for provision of public conveniences should be very carefully considered.


Councillor Horrill:

·         Welcomed any proposals that would be of benefit to the whole district but did not consider the options presented would achieve this;

·         Believed the proposals to introduce additional parking charges and charging for garden waste were unnecessary;

·         Disappointed regarding rejection of income generation ideas and lack of progress on short term projects;

·         Should include more active consideration and review of the Council’s existing assets;

·         Opposition to possibility of ending CCTV monitoring;

·         Budget Simulator only offered limited options and no opportunity for other ideas to be submitted.


Cabinet Members responded to Councillors comments, as summarised below:

·         Disputed that seeking income generation through acquisition of new assets was always appropriate and a clear plan was required to justify in each case;

·         Highlighted that the income to be generated from current major projects would not be received for a long time and the budget shortfall had been forecast a number of years ago

·         Emphasis that that the report set out options for possible savings for the future in the interests of being as transparent as possible and to consult on the proposals;

·         The significant financial impact of the Government’s withdrawal of funding, together with the County Council’s decision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Station Approach - Purchaser Selection Process pdf icon PDF 338 KB

Additional documents:


1.    That the report be deferred.



For the reasons outlined in the Leader and Cabinet Member announcements earlier in the meeting (and noted above), Cabinet agreed that this report be deferred.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above.




That the Report be deferred to a future Cabinet.


River Park Leisure Centre - Future Use of Site pdf icon PDF 311 KB

Additional documents:


That the following be noted:

1.            The River Park Leisure Centre (RPLC) building will close in January 2021.

2.            The feedback from the stakeholder engagement event on 22/23 March 2019.

3.            Winchester Town Forum’s role in determining the provision of facilities to serve North Walls recreation area, and the ongoing work to resolve the future of the pavilion at North Walls.

4.            The legal complexities relating to potential future land uses of the RPLC building and surrounding site.

That the following be approved:

5.            That the Winchester Town Forum oversee the work relating to the improvement of the North Walls recreation area, and that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management  leads the work relating to the future use of the RPLC building site and associated buildings and parking areas.

6.            That further evaluation, including financial and legal implications, of the options for demolition or securing of the existing RPLC building once it is closed is undertaken and reported back to Cabinet for decision.

7.            That an evaluation of options for the provision of toilet and refreshment facilities on site once the existing RPLC building closes in January 2021 is undertaken and considered by the Winchester Town Forum.



Councillor Learney introduced the Report and emphasised that there were no plans to develop on or otherwise remove any of the green space surrounding the existing RPLC building.  As the area was predominantly used by Winchester Town residents it was proposed that the Winchester Town Forum oversee the work relating to the improvement of the North Walls recreation area.


But it was not financially viable or desirable in terms of environmental impact to keep the existing RPLC buildings once the new Leisure Centre was open. 

In response to questions, Councillor Learney confirmed that the Town Forum would be responsible for initially considering proposals for the replacement of the cricket pavilion. 


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill addressed Cabinet as summarised below:

·         welcomed the proposed closure of the RPLC building, highlighting that it was essential that following closure the building was properly secured and demolished as soon as possible;

·         requested assurance that best consideration would be considered when decisions on future use of brownfield site were made;

·         requested sight of the legal advice referred to in the report;

·         believed that the space was for the use of the whole district, not just the town area and that the previous River Park area Informal Policy Group should be reformed to consider proposals.


Councillor Learney welcomed the broad support for the proposals and agreed that the relevant  legal advice would be made available in due course


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




That the following be noted:


1.           The River Park Leisure Centre (RPLC) building will close in January 2021.


2.           The feedback from the stakeholder engagement event on 22/23 March 2019.


3.           Winchester Town Forum’s role in determining the provision of facilities to serve North Walls recreation area, and the ongoing work to resolve the future of the pavilion at North Walls.


4.           The legal complexities relating to potential future land uses of the RPLC building and surrounding site.


That the following be approved:

5.           That the Winchester Town Forum oversee the work relating to the improvement of the North Walls recreation area, and that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management  leads the work relating to the future use of the RPLC building site and associated buildings and parking areas.


6.           That further evaluation, including financial and legal implications, of the options for demolition or securing of the existing RPLC building once it is closed is undertaken and reported back to Cabinet for decision.


7.           That an evaluation of options for the provision of toilet and refreshment facilities on site once the existing RPLC building closes in January 2021 is undertaken and considered by the Winchester Town Forum.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Programme pdf icon PDF 266 KB

Additional documents:


1.            That the rolling three year CIL spending programme set out in Appendix A to Report CAB3194 be approved.


2.            That the allocation of £635,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts as set out in Section 12.4 of the report and its expenditure under Financial Procedure Rule 7.4 be approved. This includes the allocation of funding for the twelve community led projects recommended by the Informal Panel, subject to any conditions stipulated and included in Appendix A to the report which includes the following specific projects:

2.1 Abbotts Barton and Hyde Scout Group – Scout and Community Hall  

2.2 Colden Common Parish Church- community facility improvements

2.3 Colden Common Parish Council – Footway improvements and upgrades

2.4 Durley Parish Council – Crossing point near school

2.5 Littleton and Harestock Parish Council- Parkour sports facility

2.6 Otterbourne Parish Council – Zebra Crossing facility

2.7 Shedfield Parish Council – Sports pavilion extension and refurbishment

2.8 Twyford Parish Council – Extension of community car park

2.9 Twyford parish Council – Footway/Cycleway upgrade

2.10 Upham Parish Council – Traffic calming and gateway scheme

2.11 Wickham Parish Council – Play equipment and upgrade to sports ground

2.12 Havant Borough Council – Completion of missing cycle link


3.            That the bringing forward £135,000 of the CIL funded community projects budget from 2020/21 to 2019/20 be approved to bring the total 2019/20 budget to £635,000.


4.            That allocation of £675,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts be approved as set out in Section 12.6 of the report. This is for the allocation of funding for the three Council-led projects recommended by the Informal Panel subject to any conditions stipulated and included in Appendix A to the report which includes the following specific projects:

3.1 South Downs Way and Blackpath Access Works;

3.2 Station Approach Public Realm Improvements (provisional allocation to be reviewed after 12 months);

3.3 Chilcomb Sports Pavilion Improvements.


5.            That the Central Government revisions to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2019, as set out in Appendix B of the report be noted.



Councillor Porter introduced the report and welcomed the proposals to award CIL fundings to a number of projects.  The Council would contact unsuccessful applicants to offer advice and assistance with their application should they wish to apply again.


Linda Warren (Chair of Open Space Shedfield Parish Council) spoke during public participation in support of the Parish Council’s project which was recommended to receive funding (Recommendation 2.7).  In summary, she explained why improvements to the existing pavilion were required and had brought along additional background documentation in support of the application.


The Leader thanked Ms Warren for her comments and asked that she leave the documentation with the officer team


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Williams addressed Cabinet as summarised below:

·         As a ward councillor, support for the proposed CIL funding for a zebra crossing facility in Otterbourne;

·         The crossing was vital on a busy main road which was likely to experience increased traffic with the scheduled upgrade to the M3 motorway;

·         Recognised that County Council input was also required.


Councillor Porter thanked Councillor Williams for her comments and confirmed that the County Council would be involved.


In response to the announcement made regarding Station Approach earlier in the meeting (and noted above), Councillor Weir proposed an amendment to Recommendation 4 of the Report to include the words “provisional allocation to be reviewed after 12 months” after the existing words in Recommendation 4.2.  This was agreed.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.           That the rolling three year CIL spending programme set out in Appendix A to Report CAB3194 be approved.


2.           That the allocation of £635,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts as set out in Section 12.4 of the report and its expenditure under Financial Procedure Rule 7.4 be approved. This includes the allocation of funding for the twelve community led projects recommended by the Informal Panel, subject to any conditions stipulated and included in Appendix A to the report which includes the following specific projects:

2.1 Abbotts Barton and Hyde Scout Group – Scout and Community Hall  

2.2 Colden Common Parish Church- community facility improvements

2.3 Colden Common Parish Council – Footway improvements and upgrades

2.4 Durley Parish Council – Crossing point near school

2.5 Littleton and Harestock Parish Council- Parkour sports facility

2.6 Otterbourne Parish Council – Zebra Crossing facility

2.7 Shedfield Parish Council – Sports pavilion extension and refurbishment

2.8 Twyford Parish Council – Extension of community car park

2.9 Twyford parish Council – Footway/Cycleway upgrade

2.10 Upham Parish Council – Traffic calming and gateway scheme

2.11 Wickham Parish Council – Play equipment and upgrade to sports ground

2.12 Havant Borough Council – Completion of missing cycle link


3.           That the bringing forward £135,000 of the CIL funded community projects budget from 2020/21 to 2019/20 be approved to bring the total 2019/20 budget to £635,000.


4.           That allocation of £675,000 from Winchester City Council CIL income receipts be approved as set out  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Adoption of Statement of Licensing Policy with respect to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Private Hire Operators pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


That the the Statement of Licensing Policy with respect to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Private Hire Operators be approved and adopted as set out in Appendix 1 of Report CAB3200.


Councillor Porter introduced the Report.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons outlined in the report.




That the Statement of Licensing Policy with respect to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Private Hire Operators be approved and adopted, as set out in Appendix 1 of the Report.


Future items for consideration pdf icon PDF 190 KB




That the list of future items, as set out in the Forward Plan for November 2019, be noted.

Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Cabinet on Wednesday, 23rd October, 2019, 9.30 am{sidenav}{content}