Agenda and minutes

Mayor Making and Annual Council, Council - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Bapsy Hall, Guildhall, Winchester

Contact: David Blakemore, Democratic Services Team Manager  Tel: 01962 848217 Email:


No. Item



To record the names of apologies given.


Apologies for the meeting were noted as above.


Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed.

Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.



No declarations of interest were made.



To elect from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year.


Proposed by Councillor Porter andseconded by Councillor Power and unanimously resolved that Councillor Russell Gordon-Smith be elected the 825th Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing 15 May 2024.




That Councillor Russell Gordon-Smith be elected the 825th Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing 15 May 2024.



To move a vote of thanks to the Retiring Mayor.


Proposed by Councillor Cutler and seconded by Councillor Learney and unanimously resolved that the best thanks of the council be accorded to Councillor Angela Clear for her service to the council as Mayor.




That the best thanks of the council be accorded to Councillor Angela Clear for her service to the council as Mayor.



To elect from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year.


Proposed by Councillor Tippett-Cooper and seconded by Councillor Reach and unanimously resolved that Councillor Sudhakar Achwal be elected Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing 15 May 2024.




That Councillor Sudhakar Achwal be elected Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing 15 May 2024.



To confirm the Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.




That Councillor Tod be confirmed as Leader of the Council (Chairperson of Cabinet).



The Leader to confirm the Deputy Leader (Vice Chairperson of Cabinet) and the other Members of Cabinet.


The Leader, Councillor Tod, confirmed the Deputy Leader (Vice Chairperson of Cabinet) and other members of Cabinet.




That Councillor Cutler be appointed as Deputy Leader (Vice Chairperson of Cabinet) and Councillors Becker, Learney, Porter, Thompson and Westwood as remaining members of Cabinet.



To determine the number of seats to be allocated to each group and to confirm the Members and deputy Members of the following bodies (or other bodies as Council may determine) for the ensuing year: pdf icon PDF 134 KB


a)    Scrutiny Committee

b)    Audit and Governance Committee

c)    Licensing and Regulation Committee

d)    Planning Committee

e)    Economy and Housing Policy Committee

f)      Health and Environment Policy Committee

g)    Joint West of Waterlooville MDA Planning Committee

h)    Housing Appeals Committee

i)      Any Task & Finish or other Committee to be established, or appointments to be made.

Additional documents:




1.        That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any minor consequential amendments to the Constitution to give effect to the decisions made.


2.              That allocation of seats to political groups and memberships of the following bodies be confirmed be as follows:


Scrutiny Committee (9) – Councillors V Achwal, Batho, Clear, Laming, Pett, Reach (Liberal Democrats 6) and Councillors Brook, Bolton (Conservatives 2) and Councillor Wallace (Green) plus deputies – Councillors Cramoysan, Power (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillors Horrill, Godfrey (Conservatives 2) and Coouncillors Lee, White (Green 2)


Audit and Governance Committee (6) – Councillors Morris, Chamberlain, Cramoysan, Pinniger, Power (Liberal Democrats 5) and Councillor Godfrey (Conservatives 1) plus deputies – Councillors V Achwal, Brophy (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillors Bolton, Miller (Conservatives 2)


Licensing and Regulation Committee (10) – Councillors Laming, S Achwal, Brophy, Latham, Morris, Pett, Wise (Liberal Democrats 7) and Councillors Cunningham, Langford-Smith (Conservatives 2) and Wallace (Green 1) plus deputies – Councillors Small, Tippett-Cooper (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillors Godfrey, Warwick (Conservatives 2) and Lee (Green 1)


Planning Committee (9) – Councillors Rutter, V Achwal, Clear, Laming, Small, Williams (Liberal Democrats 6) and Councillors Cunningham, Langford-Smith (Conservatives 2) and White (Green 1) plus deputies – Councillors Aron, Pett (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillors Bolton, Godfrey (Conservatives 2) and Lee (Green 1)


Economy and Housing Policy Committee (8) – Councillors Batho, S Achwal, Chamberlain, Eve, Morris, Scott (Liberal Democrats 6) and Councillor Miller (Conservatives 1) and White (Green 1) plus deputies – Councillors Aron, Brophy (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillors Horrill, Brook (Conservatives 2) and Councillors Lee and Wallace (Green 2)


Health and Environment Policy Committee (8) – Councillors Cramoysan, Aron, Bennett, Brophy, Latham, Power (Liberal Democrats 6) and Councillor Bolton (Conservatives 1) and Lee (Green 1) plus deputies – Councillors Eve, Tippett-Cooper (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillors Warwick, Brook (Conservatives 2) and Councillors White and Wallace (Green 2)


Housing Appeals Committee (3) - Councillors Power, Scott (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillor Horrill (Conservatives 1) plus deputies – Councillor Batho (Liberal Democrats 1) and Miller, Cunningham (Conservatives 2)


Joint West of Waterlooville Planning Committee (5) – Councillors Rutter, Bennett, Clear, Williams (Liberal Democrats 4) and Councillor Langford-Smith (Conservatives 1) plus deputies – Councillors V. Achwal, Laming (Liberal Democrats 2) and Councillor Brook (Conservatives 1)


Further to the above, and pursuant to Section 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Chief Executive served notice of each of the leaders of the political groups on the Council as to the allocation of seats indicated above.



To elect the Chairpersons of each of the following bodies (or other bodies as Council may determine) for the ensuing year:-


(a)                   Chairperson of Scrutiny Committee
(b) Chairperson of Audit and Governance Committee
(c) Chairperson of Licensing and Regulation Committee
(d) Chairperson of Planning Committee (including Chairperson of Joint West of Waterlooville MDA Planning Committee)  
(e) Chairperson of Economy and Housing Policy Committee
(f)  Chairperson of Health and Environment Policy Committee





That chairpersons of the following bodies be confirmed as follows:


Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Brook

Audit and Governance Committee – Councillor Morris

Licensing and Regulation Committee – Councillor Laming

Planning Committee– Councillor Rutter

Business and Housing Policy Committee – Councillor Batho

Health and Environment Policy Committee – Councillor Cramoysan

Housing Appeals Committee - Councillor Power

Joint West of Waterlooville Planning Committee – Councillor Rutter



To pass the following resolution in respect of the Winchester Town Forum.


“That the Winchester Town Forum be established for 2024/2025 with membership comprising all Members who represent the five Winchester Town Wards”


Proposed by The Leader, Councillor Tod and seconded by Councillor Cutler.




That the Winchester Town Forum be established for 2024/25 with membership consisting of all Members who represent the five Winchester Town Wards.



To pass the following resolution in respect of the Housing (Appeals) Committee.

“That alternative arrangements other than proportional representation apply for membership of the Committee for 2024/2025.”


Proposed by The Leader, Councillor Tod and seconded by Councillor Cutler.




That alternative arrangements other than proportional representation be agreed in respect of the Housing (Appeals) Committee.




Presentations to former Councillors in recognition of their service to the Community as previous Members of Winchester City Council.



The Mayor firstly presented certificates to former councillors in recognition of their service to their communities and as members of Winchester City Council:


· Michael Kurn – Bishops Waltham Ward since 2021.


· Frank Pearson – previous Swanmore & Newtown ward form 2002 until 2016, then Central Meon Valley ward and as a member of cabinet 2006-2010 and 2018-2019 and Leader 2015 and as Mayor 2012-13 and 2018-19.


The Mayor then asked that council record its thanks to former councillors who had been unable to attend the meeting to receive their certificates:


·   Chris Edwards – St Michael Ward since 2021. 


Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Council on Wednesday, 15th May, 2024, 6.30 pm{sidenav}{content}