Agenda and minutes

Kings Barton Forum - Tuesday, 12th July, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: This meeting is being held virtually, members of the public who wish to watch this meeting live may do so via the Councils YouTube page at

Contact: Nancy Graham Email: 01962 848 235 


No. Item


Disclosures of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.


Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.



Councillor Porter declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of various agenda items due to her role as a county councillor.


Councillors Tod and Warwick reminded the meeting that they were both present at the Forum in their role as county councillors.


Councillor Rutter reminded the meeting that although present as a city councillor, she was also chair of Headbourne Worthy Parish Council.



Appointment of vice-chairperson for the 2022/23 municipal year




That Councillor Craske be appointed vice-chairperson of the Forum for the 2022/23 municipal year.




Chairperson's announcements:

i)       Terms of Reference approved by Cabinet 24 May 2022 (CAB 3322)

ii)     Objectives for the forum for 2022/23 Municipal year



Councillor Cramoysan drew members’ attention to the approved terms of reference for the Forum (as set out on the agenda sheet) and in particular highlighted the objectives.  He encouraged the Forum to limit discussion to within the agreed remit as far as possible.


He confirmed that it had been established that the dog waste bins around the Kings Barton Meadow were the responsibility of the City Council and urgent action was being taken to deal with recent issues.



Minutes of the meeting of the 15 March 2022 and matters arising pdf icon PDF 224 KB

i)       Cycle/Footpath network within and across Kings Barton  - Cala / HCC 

ii)     Community centre – Cala




i)       Cycle/Footpath network within and across Kings Barton   


Councillor Cramoysan invited Lucy Taylor to address the Forum during public participation at this point as summarised below:

Speaking as resident of Abbotts Barton with children attending Barton Farm Academy she highlighted the poor condition of the paths to the school.  The rough condition of the paths in some areas made them impassable for pushchairs and were also dangerous for cycling.  The connectivity between paths was also poor and she had not received replies when she had communicated her concerns to Cala.


Ms Taylor’s points relating to the condition of the paths and lack of connectivity were supported by a number of Forum Members.  It was clarified that her concerns related to the two paths – the first was from near Phase 1A up the hill to the Ridgeway, the second was the ridgeway path from Andover Road towards the school.


Ian Curry (Cala) explained that the first path referred to was a temporary link provided in response to requests from the community to offer the most direct route between areas.  There were logistical challenges as routes sometimes crossed land not owned by Cala.   However, he agreed to investigate further whether improvements to the path surface were possible and he would respond directly to Ms Taylor on this as well as liaising with the Forum Chair.


The more general point was raised of Cala providing information on proposals for the timing of the phased delivery and plans/drawings indicating connectivity.  Mr Curry agreed to meet with the Forum Chair to provide further information.


It was clarified that the surface work for the second path referred to had been undertaken by the County Council Countryside Team.  Councillor Porter emphasised that its status was as a footpath rather than a cycle path but agreed that the surface should be suitable for pushchairs etc.  She had arranged a further meeting with the County Council officers on this matter and would report back to Forum Members.


ii)     Community Centre – Cala


Alison Thompson (Cala) provided an update and advised that recent meetings had been held with the Design Review Panel where high level schemes were presented.  Once Cala had been able to assess the comments from the Panel, she would be able to give a clearer timescale on the dates for the public consultation regarding the community centre.  It was likely this would take place before the next Forum meeting in October and councillors would be invited to take part.


In response to questions, Ms Thompson stated that Cala worked with Steve Lincoln (WCC Service Lead – Community) who had presented an update on proposals to the parish council.  She agreed that the building design should be suitable for the end user and confirmed that she would discuss further with Mr Lincoln to ensure that the parish council was further involved at an appropriate time in order to have an input into proposals for the internal layout of the community centre building.


(iii)  Bus service  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Future meetings of the Forum in the 2022/23 municipal year:

i)       13 October 2022

ii)     14 March 2023





             That the dates of the future meetings of the Forum be noted as follows: 13 October 2022 and 14 March 2023.




Public Participation pdf icon PDF 271 KB

To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public and the residents’ association on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum.


(i)            Members of the public;

(ii)          Visiting Councillors;

(iii)         Kings Barton Residents’ Association


Additional documents:


Kings Barton Residents’ Association (KBRA)


Mike Slinn outlined the various matters arising as set out in the notes circulated prior to the meeting from the KBRA, including their meeting with Cala.  The notes were available on the Council’s website here.


With reference to the update regarding the new waste recycling centre, Mr Slinn continued to express concerns about the potential for additional traffic through Kings Barton.  However, Councillor Porter reiterated that the planning permission would address this point.


The Service Lead – Built Environment advised that a replacement senior planner/community support officer had been appointed and would be starting on 1 August 2022.  She confirmed that she would be meeting with the KBRA as part of her role.


Winchester Avenue


Mr Curry (Cala) confirmed that the County Council had not yet given technical approval for Winchester Avenue although he hoped this would be given by September.  It was agreed that this should be an item for the future Forum work programme.


Future governance review


With regard to item 9 of the KBRA notes, Councillor Porter clarified that the meeting referred to was with Winchester City Councillors (in addition to parish councillors) and not officers.  It was agreed that once further clarity was available on possible future options, the parish council would seek to involve KBRA.

A WCC initiated Governance review is referred to in the future work plan. 


Community meetings space


Mr Curry advised that there was no obligation on Cala to provide the meeting space referred to and he had contacted the parish council to clarify this misunderstanding.  However, he agreed to investigate further whether any space might be provided in the future.


During discussion of the various points raised by the KBRA, one Forum Member highlighted the importance of ensuring the various different meetings taking place all tied together and clarifying the Forum’s role in the process.  Councillor Cramoysan noted this point for further consideration.


In response to questions, Mr Curry confirmed that a strategy for the play areas already exists and agreed to share a copy to the KBRA and Forum.

Similarly, the strategy for the Neighbourhood centre or commercial centre was already in the public domain (Outline planning permission on the council planning portal) but Mr Curry agreed that he would share this again.  



Update on the physical development of the MDA (verbal update)



It was noted that a number of points under this section of the agenda had been discussed earlier in the meeting. 


Councillor Cramoysan made reference to the information provided for the North Whiteley Development Forum regarding the number of dwellings approved, when built and when occupied and asked if similar information could be provided for this Forum? Mr Curry agreed to investigate whether this information could be provided, noting that future sales and occupancy rates might be subject to commercial sensitivities.  It was thought that currently, 435-440 dwellings were built with approximately 390 occupied.



Report on the community development activities and any issues arising within the MDA (verbal update)


The Service Lead – Built Environment stated that the points raised earlier in the meeting had been noted and the new officer referred to above would provide an update to the next meeting as appropriate.

The Service Lead – Built Environment stated that points raised in earlier discussions had been noted and the new officer would provide an update as appropriate to the next meeting.


Discussion on infrastructure (verbal update)



Councillor Porter announced that work on the Andover Road puffin crossing would commence 2 August and was due to be finished by November 2022.  All KBRA residents had been informed via letter.



Work plan for future meetings in the 2022/23 municipal year:


i)       Active and vehicular travel plan for North Winchester – HCC

ii)     Governance review – WCC

iii)    Public open space management – Cala / WCC

iv)   Update on infrastructure deliverables – S106/S278 – WCC / HCC and Cala




Councillor Cramoysan drew attention to the proposed work programme as set out on the agenda and in paragraphs (i) to (iv) below.  These items were agreed as amended as set out below, in addition to consideration of two additional items.


(i)         Active and vehicular travel plan for North Winchester – HCC


The Forum requested that HCC highways present their plans for the movement strategy within and through North Winchester as the Kings Barton MDA matures. The scope to include, walking, cycling and vehicular movements, and to make reference to the role that both Winchester Avenue and Andover Road will play in future.


i)                    Governance review – WCC


Proposed for the January Forum meeting, subject to the completion of the North Whiteley governance review and necessary WCC resources being available


ii)            Public open space management – Cala / WCC


To consider plans for the transfer of Public Open space from Cala to the most appropriate level of local government (depends on Governance review) via WCC. 


Item noted.


iii)                 Update on infrastructure deliverables – S106/S278 – WCC / HCC and Cala


The Forum agreed that discussions on the new community centre be included as an item for a future meeting.


iv)           Neighbourhood Centre


In addition to the discussion on the facilities provided within a new community centre itself, there were wider issues relating to the whole neighbourhood centre area, such as what is envisaged to be in the Neighbourhood centre and how this connects to the highways and active travel paths. 


v)            Local Plan


This item was requested for future discussion at the Forum with particular regard to the impact of any redevelopment at St Johns Moores Barracks.  The Chairperson thought that the local plan was consulted on via other council bodies including Parish Councils and the Local Plan Advisory Group. The Forum should ensure it did not extend its remit beyond the scope of the agreed terms of reference but the chair agreed to consult with officers.


Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Kings Barton Forum on Tuesday, 12th July, 2022, 6.00 pm{sidenav}{content}