Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and members of the public should note that a live video feed of the meeting will be available from the council’s YouTube channel -
Contact: Nancy Graham Email: 01962 848 235
No. | Item |
Apologies To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate). Minutes:
Apologies were received as noted above. |
Disclosures of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Councillor Porter declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest due to her role as a County Councillor in connection with the bus service update.
Councillor Batho declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest due to being a Stagecoach employee in connection with the same item.
Chairperson's announcements Minutes:
Councillor Cramoysan stated that he had been working with officers to ensure the work of the Kings Barton Forum focussed specifically on matters within its terms of reference.
Minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2023 PDF 141 KB That the minutes of the meeting be agreed as a correct record. Minutes:
Councillor Cramoysan requested that an update on the provision of “kickabout” spaces referred to in the minutes be provided under the update from Winchester City Council item below.
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 July 2023 be agreed as a correct record.
Public participation PDF 101 KB To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public and the residents’ association on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum.
Mike Slinn outlined the various matters arising as set out in the notes circulated prior to the meeting from the KBRA. The notes were available on the council’s website here.
Councillor Cramoysan thanked Mr Slinn for his comments which would be addressed under the relevant agenda items below.
Update from HCC on bus service PDF 871 KB Minutes:
Mike Griffin-Thorn (HCC) gave a presentation updating on the county council position in relation to the bus service. The presentation was available on the council’s website here.
Mr Griffin-Thorn responded to various questions including on the following: a) The possible timings and route of the bus service (although it was emphasised no decisions on these elements had been taken at this stage). Forum members raised the possibility of the new bus route also serving residents from outside the development which would assist in its viability. b) The rationale behind the proposal to use a minibus. c) A request to provide KBRA the detailed survey results (Mr Griffin-Thorn advised that he would have to check if this was permittable). d) The requirement for any service to be financially viable in the longer term as HCC would not be able to fund in the future.
Councillor Cramoysan thanked Mr Griffin-Thorn for the update and emphasised to Forum members that the proposal had not yet been fully costed and therefore was not definite at this stage.
Update from CALA homes Minutes:
Viv Hill (CALA) confirmed that the planning application for Phase 2B had been submitted. He and Ian Curry provided an update and responded to questions on the following points:
a) In response to queries raised by KBRA on road condition, Mr Curry provided an update on the position regarding the estate roads and Winchester Avenue in respect of obtaining technical approval from HCC. Mr Curry explained that these updates had already been provided to KBRA and emphasised that the current condition of the roads was not unsafe. Application of the wearing course would always be the final stage. b) With regard to the current speed bumps along Winchester Avenue, Mr Curry confirmed that intermediary steps could be taken to reduce their impact before the wearing course was applied should this be required. Although it was noted they did offer an effective deterrent to speeding cars. c) In response to queries raised by KBRA regarding responsibility for future Landscape and Management plans, Mr Hill clarified that the document referred to was a requirement under planning permission. The longer term expectation would be that the larger open space areas would be managed by a body such as the city or parish council with only smaller areas remaining the responsibility of the management company (which would then be included in the service charge to residents). Steve Lincoln (WCC) suggested that a general update be provided to a future meeting on likely future responsibility of the different types of open spaces. d) Mr Hill agreed to provide an update to Councillor Porter on the car share scheme.
WCC Officer update a) Steve Lincoln – open space transfer b) Robert Green – general update Minutes:
Steve Lincoln (WCC) confirmed that the transfer from CALA to Headbourne Worthy Parish Council of the Phase 1B play area and Manley Road open space land had now been completed. This was the first transfer of open space land within the development but others were expected to follow as they were completed and the necessary discussions and procedures had taken place.
With regard to the update on the provision of “kickabout” spaces requested at the previous meeting, Mr Lincoln agreed to include this in wider discussions with CALA regarding future open space management.
With regard to the comments raised by KBRA in relation to the use of CALA provided funding to improve pedestrian and cycle movement along Andover Road, Robert Green (WCC) stated he would discuss this point further with HCC officers and report back.
Mr Green updated that the new dedicated senior planning officer for Kings Barton Forum would start her role in early November.
Mr Green provided updated occupation figures as follows: 521 occupations of which 3 unoccupied. Updated figures would be provided to each Forum meeting.
Mr Green advised that he had been working to improve the useability of the S106 tracker and the intention was that this would be available on a dedicated webpage for Kings Barton residents. He agreed to share the tracker with Forum members as soon as it was finalised.
Councillor Cramoysan thanked both officers for their update. </AI8> <AI9>