Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and members of the public should note that a live video feed of the meeting will be available from the council’s YouTube channel -
Contact: Nancy Graham Email: 01962 848 235
No. | Item |
Apologies To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate). Minutes:
Apologies were received from Councillor David Tozer (Littleton & Harestock Parish Council) in addition to Councillor Rob Watter for whom Councillor Antonio de Stefano deputised as noted above (both Headbourne Worth Parish Council). |
Disclosures of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Councillor Porter declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest due to her role as a County Councillor.
Councillors Tod and Warwick declared personal (but not prejudicial) interest due to their roles as City Councillors.
Chairperson's announcements Minutes:
Councillor Cramoysan reminded that update reports from both Headbourne Worthy Parish Council and Kings Barton residents’ association had been circulated to Forum members prior to the meeting.
In addition, it was noted that the next scheduled meeting of the Forum would be on Tuesday 11 March 2025. |
Appointment of vice-chairperson for the 2024/25 municipal year Minutes:
That Councillor Morris be appointed as the vice-chairperson of the Forum for the 2024/25 municipal year. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 March 2024 PDF 117 KB Minutes:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held 12 March 2024 be agreed as a correct record. |
Public Participation Minutes:
As noted above, written updates from both HWPC and KBRA had been circulated to Forum members prior to the meeting.
Councillor de Stefano and Mike Slinn also spoke during public participation as summarised below.
Headbourne Worthy Parish Council (HWPC) Cllr Antonio de Stefano referred to the update report from the HWPC Kings Barton Committee (KBC) and highlighted in particular the issues and concerns relating to:
Councillor Cramoysan thanked Councillor de Stefano for this comments which would be considered during discussion of agenda items below. He also thanked him for his part in the introduction of the new bus service.
Kings Barton residents’ association Mike Slinn referred to comments outlined in the KBRA report to the Forum including the following points:
In response, Councillor Cramoysan reminded Mr Slinn that the proposed closure of Andover Road had been agreed as part of the Kings Barton masterplan and it was not within the remit of the Forum to challenge this. Proposals for SJMB were at pre-application stage and the council would conduct a full evaluation if and when a planning application was submitted. The other points raised by the KBRA would be considered during discussion of agenda items below.
CALA update Minutes:
At the request Councillor Cramoysan, prior to the update from CALA, Ruth Beard (WCC) provided an update on occupancy figures and advised that council tax records indicated that there were 618 occupations on site.
Viv Hill, Ian Curry and Alison Thompson from CALA were present and provided an update on the following matters.
a) 2A play area It was anticipated this would be open by the end of the year.
b) Flooding This had occurred on a date of unprecedented rainfall where many other areas in Winchester had also flooded. However, CALA recognised it as unacceptable and had identified the cause and taken measures to ensure the flooding did not reoccur.
c) Phase 2B sports pitches Consultation on the types and locations of equipment would take place by the end of the year with Manley Road residents, WCC and HWPC. Following suggestions that the consultation be widened to include other residents, CALA emphasised that they did not want to raise expectations as the consultation was on very limited matters and not a compulsory requirement as the discharge of a planning condition. However, they agreed to discuss this suggestion further with WCC.
d) Village centre Progress was dependent on the completion of Winchester Avenue.
e) Winchester Avenue Ian Curry (CALA) and Jo Homes (HCC) confirmed technical approval on roads in 2B was well advanced and regular discussions were held. A completion date of March 2026 was still estimated to be correct.
JH highlighted one possible delay was the implications of the National Highways works on Junction 9, M3 and HCC were working closely with National Highways to understand this potential risk.
IC agreed to keep local councillors informed so they could ensure adequate time was given to amend the bus route when the road was complete.
The CALA representatives also responded to questions from Forum members on the following: · Street lighting specification. · Christmas lights in Winchester Avenue – following discussion, it was noted that any adaptations could delay technical approval so it would be preferable to wait until the road had been formally adopted. · Vehicular access to the primary school – current and proposed. IC clarified that the existing access was permanent but the future completion of roads in Phase 2B would effectively create a circular route. The possible impact of inconsiderate driving in the area was noted and the importance of the School Travel Plan being produced emphasised. · Community centre size and design – VH and AT explained that the design was in accordance with the agreed specifications under the Section 106 agreement and had been the subject of full consultation with WCC and HWPC. At that time it was agreed that the size of the centre was sufficient to meet the requirements of the development. CALA were happy to continue to engage with HWPC regarding possible minor alterations to the internal design.
Hampshire County Council Officer Update Minutes:
Jo Holmes (HCC Strategic Project Lead Implementation) gave a short presentation on the progress towards approval of roads within both Phase 1A and Phase 1B of the development.
She responded to questions as follows: · Park & Ride – JH explained that the spine road and road serving the P&R were covered by the Section 278 agreement and would be subject to HCC approval. Approval of the P&R site itself would be a matter for WCC to agree in discussions with CALA.
Winchester City Council Officer Update PDF 738 KB Minutes:
Ruth Beard (WCC) referred to the updated Section 106 tracker which had been published prior to the meeting and available on the website here.
It was noted that a number of key conditions were due to be triggered when occupancy rates reached 625 (they were currently at 618). Rob Green (WCC) agreed to discuss this further with HCC officers and report back.
Councillor Cramoysan requested that if possible, the Section 106 tracker be circulated with more notice to allow Forum members adequate time to consider prior to the meeting.
Any other business Minutes:
There was no other business raised. |