Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and a live stream can be listened to via YouTube at
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 438 Email:
No. | Item | |
Chairperson's Welcome Minutes: The meeting was held virtually and the Chairperson welcomed representatives to the first meeting of the new municipal year |
Appointment of Vice Chairperson for the 2023/2024 Municipal Year Minutes: RESOLVED:
That, Councillor Robinson be appointed Vice Chairperson of the Forum for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.
Disclosure of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillors Brook and Read declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest due to their role as members of Newlands Parish Council.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 March 2023 (including any matters arising) PDF 256 KB Minutes: Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting, points were raised as follows:
(a) Cemeteries Update – Councillor Crichton state that, following discussions with Grainger, there was an issue with the land that two of the high-capacity gas mains ran under the cemetery plot. Whilst the rest of the site was fit for its intended use, the viability of that section of the site needed to be assessed before final decisions could be made.
(b) Flooding, Drainage and Sewage Issues – Following the matters raised by Rebecca Marsden during public participation at the last meeting, further correspondence had been received to express her concerns regarding problems with the sewage main during the heavy rainfall.
In response, Councillor Crichton advised that he had reported this problem to Taylor Wimpey and was advised the response team would examine this and a report would come forward in due course.
That the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 7 March 2023, be approved and adopted.
Public Participation To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum. This period is for a maximum of 10 minutes.
NB members of the public are required to register with Democratic Services three clear working days before the meeting (see below for further details).
Minutes: No members of the public were present to make representations.
Waterlooville Leisure Centre Extension (Presentation) PDF 3 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed Michael Lyons and Scott Mackenzie (Horizon Leisure Trust) and Simon Hasted (Havant BC) to the meeting who gave a presentation on the proposed transformation for the Waterlooville Leisure Centre, the vision for the future, the project scope and indicative budget, the improvements to the environmental sustainability of the centre and the project plan going forward.
The Forum noted that a revised presentation was given at the meeting and this was made available on the Council’s website here.
At the conclusion of the presentation, the Forum raised a number of questions which were responded to by the relevant officer’s present on the following points:
(a) Securing Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding and the importance of the project for local residents and those in surrounding parishes. (b) The installation of electric vehicle charging points. (c) The pricing structure for local residents, a low-income community discount card and the areas this would encompass. (d) Refurbishment of the swimming pool changing facilities and the installation of glass fronted steam and sauna rooms to the poolside area. (e) Green active travel links – safe pedestrian and cycle access routes and improvements to public transport connections. (f) Community consultation process, the wider area to be included in this process and sharing of consultation feedback results, particularly with the Newlands Community Plan Group. The Chairperson thanked officers for attending to provide an informative presentation and the update on the engagement process.
That the revised presentation be received and the comments of the Forum, as set out above, be noted.
Grainger progress report on West of Waterlooville MDA (July Report and Newsletter) PDF 225 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed Chris Williams (Grainger plc) to the meeting.
The Forum were referred to the update report and the latest newsletter both circulated with the agenda pack for their information and comment.
It was noted that there had been several updates to the report that had occurred since the report had been prepared due to staffing changes, these latest updates included:
(a) Chris Williams (focussed on infrastructure) and David McCarthy (focussed on land sale) would be taking project lead roles within Berewood going forward.
(b) The land sale of Maple Grove and Dobbington Glen (Phases 10b and 11b) has been completed and are with Bargate Homes for development . (c) Regarding facilities, the Southern Primary School application has been submitted and is being worked through and the northern allotments are due planning just after Christmas for delivery in early 2024.
(d) The planning elements related to the school extension land and blue star land - both were due back in the next 2-3 months.
(e) Infrastructure update:
(i) The western link road has now been completed but is not currently open for public use; only construction access at present. This would be opened for use once parcels linked to this road become occupied.
(ii) Discussions still taking place with Hampshire County Council (HCC) regarding the southern access junction – looking at how to deliver works as an existing culvert within the network at Ladybridge Road and London Road, this was in the early stages of review.
(iii) Phase 1 (Grainger Street) is currently on maintenance within Berewood and due to be adopted by May 2024.
(iv) Proceeding with the adoption of phase 1.
(f) Community update:
(i) It was reported that the Community Development Manager had recently left and recruitment was currently taking place with the position expected to be filled by Christmas. Members raised a number of questions on matters contained in the update report and following the verbal update set out above. These were responded to by Chris Williams and relevant officers present on the following points:
· The present state of pavements at Berewood – Councillor Robinson expressed concerns regarding the hazardous conditions of the pavements following a visit she had carried out with a fellow councillor which had resulted in the other councillor falling and injuring herself and queried why the pavements and roads at Berewood Green have not been completed before occupations took place.
In response, Chris Williams advised that the entry structure elements (main infrastructure) were installed, operated and maintained by Grainger. The house builds where developers had purchased these parcels of land were the developers’ responsibility. In order to ensure that developers completed their parcels including pavements and road surfaces to finish levels as quickly as possible, Grainger were attempting to get their main infrastructure adoptions in place to give developers comfort to install the finishes to their roads and footpaths.
In addition, Chris Williams advised of the latest position regarding the road/pathway surfacing and the latest road adoptions at the various phases. ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Grainger Sustainability Report (Report) PDF 709 KB Minutes: Chris Williams introduced the sustainability report that was circulated with the agenda pack for information and comment.
It was noted that there had been several updates to the report that had occurred since the report had been prepared due to staffing changes, these latest updates included:
(a) There was a large number of open spaces within Berewood which included SUD’s and woodlands – it was proposed that greenery would be increased in the area and improve the biodiversity of the development. A significant issue with ash dieback had been identified on site, areas would be fixed wherever possible, but it was necessary to carry out some felling and replanting in these areas.
(b) In respect of renewable energy, it was noted that additional funding to upgrade networks and connection infrastructure as part of the energy strategy for Berewood was to be implemented following changes to legislation for new developments and to ensure the development was future proofed.
(c) Constructor Schemes
(d) Social Sustainability monitoring and review to implement changes
(e) Partnership working with community groups
The Forum raised a question in relation to the installation of solar panels which was responded to by Chris Williams.
That the report be received and noted.
Waterlooville Town Centre Regeneration (Verbal Update) PDF 2 MB Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed Wayne Layton and Stuart Palmer (Havant BC) to the meeting who gave a presentation which provided an update on the meeting held with Flick Drummond, MP, and Newlands Parish during Summer 2023 regarding the regeneration of Waterlooville Town Centre.
The presentation set out the challenges for the public realm, shop vacancy rates, the masterplan, procurement process and delivery plan, the various stages of engagement and consultation and key updates on recent growth, ‘pride in place’ and intervention measures that have been carried out to date.
The presentation given at the meeting and made available on the Council’s website here following the meeting.
At the conclusion of the presentation, the Forum raised a number of questions which were responded to by the relevant officers present on the following points:
(a) The catchment of community engagement and consultation – the inclusion of all adjoining ward member’s and the parish council in the process (Winchester City Council, Havant Borough Council and Newlands Parish Council) and the encouragement of ‘spreading the word’.
(b) Street cleaning for the full surrounding area.
(c) Structured communications for the involvement of all – further updates at future forum meetings.
(d) Interventions for anti-social behaviour to alleviate issues – i.e use of e- scooters in pedestrian areas.
That the presentation be received and the comments of the Forum, as set out above, be noted.
Arts Development Update (Verbal Update) Minutes: The Forum received a verbal update from Emalene Hickman, Culture and Creative Sector Development Officer for Winchester City Council and noted that work was taking place to procure the redevelopment of the arts programme.
The Forum noted that the tender was released in late May 2023 and sent to a select group of potential bidders with expertise in this area. Six submissions had been received; three were shortlisted and Studio Response and GJG consultancy were appointed to lead and develop a complete programme, but will only be responsible for delivery against the current available funds.
Officers, Grainger and Studio Response had completed an initial inception meeting and site visit and have commenced work on some of the community engagement. Members of the Forum and Newlands Parish Council have been invited to a consultation workshop in November 2023 to give members the opportunity to input into the programme. The intention was to have a new public arts programme for agreement by the end of the March 2024 with delivery in 2024/25.
The forum thanked Emalene Hickman for the progress on the arts programme to date.
That the verbal update be received and noted.
Newlands Parish Council Update (Report) PDF 53 KB Minutes: Councillor Crichton introduced the report and provided an update on delays to the road adoption which went back to the S104 agreement with Southern Water and Taylor Wimpey had two outstanding legal agreements with Winchester, one was in relation to the easement for the overhead cable as part of the industrial development. These had knock effect on maintenance and implications for the road adoptions.
In addition, Councillor Crichton made reference to the residual planning requirement for the Sickle Way obligation.
That the report be received and noted.
Any Other Business Minutes: (i) The Forum were reminded that the next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Tuesday, 5 March, 2024.
The virtual meeting commenced at 6:00 pm and concluded at 8:15 pm