Venue: Virtual via Microsoft Teams. Note: This meeting is being held virtually, members of the public who wish to watch this meeting live may do so via the Councils YouTube page at
Contact: Matthew Watson, Democratic Services Officer Email: 01962 848 317
No. | Item |
Apologies To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate)
Minutes: Apologies were noted as above.
Public Participation. To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum.
Members of the public and visiting councillors may speak at the forum, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services by 5pm on the 4 February 2022 via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details. Minutes:
Mr Spencer Allen addressed the meeting regarding several points related to Bluebell Way. Mr Allen felt that a lack of effective traffic calming measures was causing numerous issues such as vehicles speeding, vehicle noise nuisance, damaged manhole covers and general safety concerns. Mr Allen also raised concerns regarding the signage ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on the 16 November 2021 PDF 127 KB That the minutes of the meeting be signed as a correct record. Minutes:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 16 November 2021 be approved and adopted.
Following their agreement, Councillor Woodward questioned the accuracy of the previous minutes. Councillor Woodward advised that at the previous meeting of the forum he had asked why meetings continued to be held ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Report on the community development activities and any issues arising within the Major Development Area (MDA) · Governance Review Advisory Group - Verbal update · Any other community development items from members.
(Approximately 20 minutes scheduled for this item) Minutes:
Karen Vincent, Governance Manager, Winchester City Council provided the forum with a verbal update regarding the Community Governance Review (CGR).
As part of her update, the next steps were set out as follows:
Discussion on infrastructure. · Bus Services Update – Written update to follow · Any other infrastructure related items from members.
(Approximately 20 minutes scheduled for this item) Minutes:
Hilary Oliver, Implementation Officer, Winchester City Council referred members to the short update regarding bus services provided by Hampshire County Council (HCC) which was available on the councils website here. Councillor M Evans advised of concerns regarding bus routes, specifically that routes did not include the surgery or community hospital ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
· Verbal update from Tetra Tech and Winchester City Council. o report NWDF17 and appendices attached o appendix 4 re Bus Service Update to follow o latest drone footage available here:
· Any other physical development related items from members.
(Approximately 30 minutes scheduled for this item) Additional documents:
Jeff Davis of Tetra Tech provided the forum with a presentation which was available on the council’s website here. The presentation covered a range of issues which included the following:
Future agenda items. Minutes: Members put forward the following items for future agenda items: