Meeting documents

Wednesday, 17th July, 2013 7.00 pm

Business Items
 Minutes 17 July 2013
1To confirm the Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 20 March 2013 and the Annual meeting of the Council held on 15 May 2013130320 
2To receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive. 
3Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed.

Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council's Code of Conduct.

4To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14.130717AllQuestions 
5To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15. 
6To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes: 
7(i) Cabinet - 26 June 2013CAB2492 
8(i) Cabinet (Housing) Committee - 19 June 2013CAB2494HSG 
9(i) Cabinet - 26 June 2013CAB2486HD 
10Cabinet - 10 April 2013CAB2478 
11The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 20 May 2013OS073 
12Cabinet - 26 June 2013CAB2489 
13(i) Cabinet - 26 June 2013CAB2493 
14The making or termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council. 
15Standards Committee - 24 June 2013ST0099 
18Cabinet (Special Meeting) - 15 July 2013CAB2501-EXEMPT


Council on Wednesday, 17th July, 2013, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}